Thursday, 27 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Today I had to email some forms to someone called Rory. Forgot. How did I forget Rory? In other news here’s my things I love list for this week:


This week I am very grateful for the lovely people who looked after me when I wasn’t feeling very well early this week and who put up with me randomly bursting into tears (oh hello crazy-hormones so nice to see you again).

Homemade Wensleydale and spring onion scones for lunch, Online catch up television – ‘making the unmissable, unmissable’, Childhood tv nostalgia- The Riddlers and Green Claws, The most colourful cities in the world

What's making your love-list this Thursday reader?

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
- Henry Ford

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Well, first of all, I love the fact that I actually found time to post this today. I’ve been away for a week without any real internet access, which has proved both liberating and frustrating at times.

Gorgeous girl, my niece. Yes I’ve mentioned her and my super-cute nephew little man in numerous tilt’s but I’m singling her out this week because Tuesday was her birthday (one year old already, where did the last year go reader?) and last Saturday was her party. Also so glad that her baby cousin, who was eight weeks prem is doing well in hospital despite being rushed back into SCBU on Tuesday night.

West Country accents – it’s such a warm and welcoming accent. It always brings a smile to my face and I’ve loved being surrounded by them for a week.

Waking up to this magnificent view each morning:


The excitement on a child face when they show you something new.

Veggie Perrins- an old university days haunt which reassuringly hadn’t changed much.

Catching up with family and friends I haven’t seen in a while.

The ‘Great Girly Meet-up ’ this weekend (Yen, I love that name)

What’s filling you with love and joy reader?

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.
- George Harrison.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday


It's Thursday again. Isn't it amazing how often it seems to be Thursday. Everyday I wake up and there is a 1 in 7 chance that it's Thursday... I like those odds. This weeks list:

Feeling useful – I think this quote sums it up perfectly “Piglet was so excited at the idea of being Useful that he forgot to be frightened anymore… he could hardly sit still, he was so eager to begin being useful at once.”

Staying warm- temperatures increasing, there’s even the promise of double figures this weekend but I won’t say it too loudly in case I scare it away.

These clever posters arranging text from the actual novel or short stories to depict a memorable scene or iconic image related to the novels.

Glistening greenery after heavy rainfall, the insane amount of love you receive in return for walking a dog, finding inspiration in the strangest of places, Snuggly winter pyjamas, thoughtful texts,

Alright, that sums up my TILT list for this week! What sorts of marvellous things have got you doing your own crazy-happy dance this week reader?

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

As I grow to understand life less and less,I learn to love it more and more.
- Jules Renard

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday

A new year and new things to love so without much further ado here’s my list for this week:

Nibbling my Christmas chocolate (after nearly two weeks of indulgence I’m trying to ration it), Kim Jong-il looking at things- does exactly what it says on the tin, this typewriter keys print on Etsy –life really would be better with a few of *these* keys on our keyboards, enjoying a really good glass of red wine with dinner

What’s making your New Year Sparkle reader?

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

Courtesy of my lovely friend Rachel:

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot,

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year reader!
I mentioned in my previous post that rather than making resolutions I must keep then feel a sense of epic fail when I don’t, this year I’m making a list of things I will try to do/be better at.

First and rather topically this week already I am going to try to actually reply to people WHEN they send me messages not two or three days/weeks or occasionally months later. I’ve been a bit rubbish at that this year, often for good reasons/excuses or because of good intentions like checking dates or times with confirmation emails but that’s not the point sorry everyone!

Next up on the list this year I will try to live in credit with my time, and not in a debt of time - run ahead of schedule and not behind. A lot of the things I have heard about financial debt in the last year apply to time also. The idea that if you are in debt it costs you more (you pay for what you bought 10x over), you don't have the means to bless others, it causes you a lot of stress trying to make the "repayments", that debt for the sake of consumption (having what you want now or sometimes things you don’t even really want but society convinces you that you should want, things you don't need, and as a result being unable to afford things of value later) and not investment (education, a home) is wrong.

Similarly with time - if you squander your time you will find you do not ever "save" enough time to afford the things that matter - you find you never get around to doing the things you wanted to achieve. Staying up a little too late is a debt - and the next day everything will take longer if you are tired, and the time it takes you to recover and catch up is a repayment many times more than the "loan" of time that you took. Feeling a bit too tired is stressful, and you don't enjoy the things you were looking forward to. You wonder when in your packed schedule you are going to catch up and take a rest. You wonder how long you can keep going before the bailiffs of time come to get you (i.e. burnout or exhaustion). Similarly if you stay up late doing something pointless, like reading rubbish on wikipedia, this is what I would call consumerism of time - you are squandering what you have, and getting into debt for something that is worthless and transient (though truth be told I have never regretted the time I spent an hour reading about ball lightning on wikipedia) - for immediate gratification, rather than being focussed and saving your time for things of worth and lasting value such as time spent with friends

If you waste your time and are always on the back foot you will find you don't have the time to give to people when they need it. You will find that those nice ideas for things you could do for people as a surprise never happen. You will find you don't see people very often. You will find you have this strange feeling of being very busy all the time, but can never actually remember anything you actually did.

There are a few other things on my list but the things I have shared here are those I feel most passionately about. Wish me luck reader and I hope whatever resolutions/goals/dreams you’ve made for this year really will come true.