Wonderful, you found my blog!
What can I tell you about me? Well reader, let’s start with the basics- who I am and why I’m here.
Who am I?
In the words of Erica Strange in the opening episode of Being Erica:
‘You know that friend you have? The girl who seems to have it all figured out? She's got the great job, the great guy, the great life. Well...I'm not that girl.’
You might say I’m a dreamer, but as John Lennon famously tells us ‘I’m not the only one’. I love to craft and create and cook, I love traveling and regularly struggle with itchy feet! I’m an English graduate and could quite cheerfully spend all day snuggled up on the sofa lost in a novel. I’m a Christian and want to demonstrate in my daily life something of the courage and strength of the character of Jesus. I never want to ram my belief system down anyone’s throat but my faith is a huge part of my identity. I believe in equality. I want to be someone who takes a stand against injustice and the abuse of power with wisdom, discernment and boldness. I’m a staunch believer in female-male equality, not a femi-nazi; so, yes, I shave my legs and underarms (usually!).
At the end of the day I’m just me, doing what I can to live the best life I can as I navigate this crazy thing called life.
Why am I here?
A cup full of possibilitea is a sort of inspiration scrapbook, where anything is possible. It’s my place to share and chat with people who also love words and pretty things. A place to look for the good things in life and recognise the beauty and hope that surrounds us in the world, as Michael Palin wrote:
‘Armageddon is not around the corner. This is only what the people of violence want us to believe. The complexity and diversity of the world is the hope for the future.’
(Palin M 2003 http://palinstravels.co.uk/static-51?topic=1752&forum=12)
‘Armageddon is not around the corner. This is only what the people of violence want us to believe. The complexity and diversity of the world is the hope for the future.’
(Palin M 2003 http://palinstravels.co.uk/static-51?topic=1752&forum=12)
Want to say hi? Feel free to leave a comment. Life is a learning experience and everyone has something to teach so share your thoughts with me!
Thanks for reading!