Thursday, 31 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Happy Thursday reader! Here is a quick little blurb about what’s making me happy lately: Top of the list this week are housewarming parties or more specifically the housewarming party thrown by one of my dearest friends- catching up with lovely people (and meeting some new ones too). Juicy goss *ahem* I mean informed social commentary and a cocktail or four. In retrospect though maybe those last couple of drinks, diluting squash with wine, wasn't the best idea of the night...

This week I have also been very amused by this -Sarcasmaholics anonymous

the Freesias in my garden beginning to bloom, Cherry blossom, Beatles cupcakes some people are just amazingly talented, the prequel for the new series of Doctor Who being released watch it here, TV especially repeats of House and Monroe (I see a pattern emerging here),

Now it’s time for you to unleash all the things that are worth praising in your life lately. What’s making your heart sing reader?

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
- Booker T. Washington

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday Find

The title of this book scares me reader:

Clicky clicky

Surely that's the LAST thing you'd want them to do?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

It’s that time of the week again reader. Let’s not tarry any longer, shall we?

Top of the list this week-Finding a bible verse that seems to be written just for me. I am so grateful for the grace of God. Sometimes it isn’t easy to be Christian, but it is always worth it.

This week I’ve also loved the news story about the ferret found at Edinburgh’s Haymarket train station who they suspect 'took a London train'. They’ve named him Mickey and he’s a cutie.

Speaking of cute things...this picture:

Another thing making my lovelist this week is this Pachelbel Rant by Rob Paravonian

Moments of Pure Enchantment:

The sunny days we’ve been having lately, truly beautiful, new episodes of Midsomer Murders- I especially love Sykes the dog, sending ‘just because’ presents to my five little lovelies (little man & gorgeous girl aka my niece and nephew and my cousins three cute wee bairns)

So reader over to you, what things this week have tickled your heartstrings?

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
- Plato

Friday, 18 March 2011

Friday Finds

Eleanor Curry issues a rallying call to all Nerds!

Also this beautiful, beautiful video from Japanese youth. 'Thank you for praying'

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I had a smashing time last night, I mean that quite literally reader, still there’s no point crying over spilt milk (even a whole bottle’s worth). Instead I’m going to focus on the things I love this week:

At the top of my list this week is the continued safety of my friends and their families in Japan.

The adorable little boy I looked after this week while his mum spoke to the wardens about baptism. He brought a book on fish with him and consistently referred to all the different fish species by their Finding Nemo names. His mum and/or dad are probably less pleased.

James Thornton and Charlie Baker winning Comic Relief’s Let’s Dance- Entirely deserved, I was so pleased for them and possibly more so because they didn’t expect to win at all.

Well my dear reader, with all of that said, what’s making you dance and sing this week? I hope that you have an absolutely wonderful rest of your week!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
-Albert Schweitzer

Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday Finds

What- ho reader, today I bring you the joys of chap-hop:

Proffessor Elemental more here

mr. b. the gentleman rhymer more here and here

Pip pip for now

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

It’s Thurday. Huzzah. A chance to focus on things that made me flutter a little bit this week:

Top of the list this week = The random kindness of people I love

Spring is on its way- there’s incredible beauty springing up, pardon the pun reader, around us if we just look.

Books- Saturday 5th March 2011, two days after World Book Day, was World Book Night- An event to inspire people to read involving enthusiastic readers giving away their favourite book to people they think might love it too. It also featured an evening of coverage and special Culture Show programmes on BBC2. Books inspire, books provoke, I can genuinely say I wouldn’t be the person I am today without half the books I’ve read, and of course few pleasures are as satisfying as losing yourself in a good book.

Sometimes it’s the little things that make me smile:
Leftover naan-bread and takeaway curry for lunch yum yum

Watching really old Disney movies with super amazing art. There’s something much more charming about them than modern special effects.

vivid dreams of old friends and places

Tea- always

What about you reader, what's making your list this week? I hope when you get a chance to look back on your week you find lots of little moments of awesome to relish in!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.
-May Sarton

Friday, 4 March 2011

Friday Find

Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than 50 different words.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Well its Thursday again reader so here without too much ado is my things I love offering for this week:

Fairtrade- Monday 28th Feb marked the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight here in the UK. The theme this year is ‘loud and proud- Show off your label’.

I spent most of Tuesday & Wednesday this week serving tea, coffee and homemade cake (made with entirely fairly traded ingredients) to the elderly, playing fun games/quizzes with school-children and giving out stickers to, well, everyone (turns out everybody loves stickers; especially when they’re free). I’m very proud to be a supporter of fairly traded goods.

I mentioned in last weeks Tilt how nice it was to hear a “thank you” from some of my youthlings. Well it happened again this week and I’m going to mention it again because I was so touched by their thoughtfulness. We ran a sleepover for the elder youth on Saturday night and on Sunday morning two of the girls gave me a card they’d made to say thank you complete with a heartfelt message inside.

* A new month means a new bit of wisdom from Gene Hunt (This is my 2011 calendar)

March Madness

* Organising and alphabetising – a place for everything and everything in its place,

* Spring Sunshine

Over to you, reader, what things have tickled your heartstrings this week?

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it
- Lena Horn
