It’s the last day of the first month of 2013. Time is marching on so here’s my contribution of things I love this week just in the nick of time:
Top of my list this week -Beautiful, beautiful friends, whose hearts are worth their weight in gold. Inside and out. I’m honored to call them my best friends, my chosen family, my soul mates. Last weekend I met up with 3 of my favourite people (though we were missing a certain particularly lovely sparkly goth). We didn’t do anything particularly special just caught up, drank oodles of tea and spent time in each others company. Sometimes it’s just nice to stop and let the world go by some. Plus I find spending time with my kindred spirits always gives me a boost.
Also taking a surprisingly high position in the list this week is the hide story button on facebook- my love hate relationship with fb continues apace. I have to say the hide story button though is doing wonders for my blood pressure.
This week I am also feeling very grateful for old photos. There’s something magical about photos I always think, capturing a memory, a moment, a feeling. Snaps that record the important times like birthdays, weddings, Christenings, through holiday piccies all the way to those end of the roll snaps you used up on a whim one sun dappled afternoon. Recently I’ve been sorting through some of my parents photos. I’ve found some real gems amidst the hordes including but not limited to- pictures of my uncles as child choristers (they both look adorable and true to their personalities- one looks super angelic and the other like he’s being forced to wear a surplice as the consequences of a bet), some teenage shots of the great, great- aunties who I only remember as old ladies and though I have seen similar shots before my aunt at my parents wedding looking like Mary Poppins complete with colour co-ordinated parasol.
My friend’s secret project and that for the moment is all I can say about that. Such a tease, sorry reader.
I *think* that is it for this Things I Love Thursday. Over to you, what’s making you feel rich this week? I hope you have lots of great things to list. Have a lovely day and an amazing weekend reader.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Things I Love Thursday
Ghandi once said “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior… Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” so without much more ado here’s my tilt list:
Top of my list this week is that one of my friends gave birth to her first daughter this week. I am so proud of her and so pleased for her and her hubby. Welcome to the world Ava Rose, we can't wait to meet you!
Also high on my list this week is Snow. I’m sure everyone’s is getting bored of hearing about the UK’s latest bout of snow but I sort of feel it would be neglectful not to at least mention its presence. After all in the words of Michael McIntyre’s old joke: “Normally you have news, weather and travel… but not on snow day, on snow day news is weather is travel.” - Ok so like most people I don't enjoying cleaning it off cars or digging out the drive. I’m also not a fan of gray or yellow snow or indeed when it becomes slush or worse that half ice stuff. However you can’t deny reader it’s so pretty when it is falling and fresh on the ground, untouched, particularly if you’re observing it from inside with a mug of your favourite hot beverage.
Small loves:
lovely dreams, Darren Criss- Singing in the rain, highlighters that work, the chorus to Delta Rae’s Morning Comes
Well that’s the end of my list for now. What’s putting a smile on your face this week reader?
Top of my list this week is that one of my friends gave birth to her first daughter this week. I am so proud of her and so pleased for her and her hubby. Welcome to the world Ava Rose, we can't wait to meet you!
Also high on my list this week is Snow. I’m sure everyone’s is getting bored of hearing about the UK’s latest bout of snow but I sort of feel it would be neglectful not to at least mention its presence. After all in the words of Michael McIntyre’s old joke: “Normally you have news, weather and travel… but not on snow day, on snow day news is weather is travel.” - Ok so like most people I don't enjoying cleaning it off cars or digging out the drive. I’m also not a fan of gray or yellow snow or indeed when it becomes slush or worse that half ice stuff. However you can’t deny reader it’s so pretty when it is falling and fresh on the ground, untouched, particularly if you’re observing it from inside with a mug of your favourite hot beverage.
Small loves:
lovely dreams, Darren Criss- Singing in the rain, highlighters that work, the chorus to Delta Rae’s Morning Comes
Well that’s the end of my list for now. What’s putting a smile on your face this week reader?
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Thoughtful Tuesday
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.
-Henry Ford
-Henry Ford
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Thoughtful Tuesday
Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. -Charles Dickens
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Things I love Thursday
I’m writing this in a haze of sleep deprivation after realising rather belatedly that it’s Thursday today so, in the midst of my grogginess, I want to give thanks for:

Today is the anniversary of tea's arrival in England . (Thanks to for that wonderful fact, she heard it from Classic FM so it must be true. Nb reading back that sentence makes me think of that scene from Ferris Bueller’s Day off where the teacher is taking attendance.)
The NHS –definitely deserves to be top of my list atm. I’ve mentioned previously that my mum’s had some health difficulties over the last couple of years. She had an operation on her spine just before Christmas and consequently has been in hospital all through the festivities and is still in hospital at the moment. I am naturally so grateful for the care she has received but I’m also so grateful for the opportunity it’s given me to witness the little acts of kindness not just from nurses to patients but also between nurses and between patients. There are bad stories too of course, but 60 million people rely on it on a daily basis, so of course it won’t be perfect. I am so glad to belong to a country that believes in fair healthcare for all (well for the time being at least).

Also high on my list are my gorgeous new mittens- A Christmas present from my lovely friend Rach.
The colours are stunning and they keep my hands toasty warm. They also came along in perfect time as I somehow managed to lose my previous gloves sometime over Christmas week. Still I was given those gloves as a christmas present in 2005 so they don’t owe me anything and if these last me half as long I’ll be pleased.
Noteworthy nibblets:
handwritten thank you cards with a super happy cover, the return of Cabin Pressure, CITV’s Old Skool Weekend,
Well that’s the end of my list for now over to you reader, what’s putting a twinkle in your eye this week?
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
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