Thursday, 8 July 2010

Things I Love Thursday

Here’s what’s lighting up my life this week...

These people ♥

The beginning of new projects (I love it when a plan comes together), being randomly paired up with someone to work on a project and discovering they are great, facebook photo comment conversations (I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with facebook but this week), lovely texts from lovely people just at the right moment, looking like a girl (my usual style is somewhat casual so its been nice to have reasons to dress up), Watching a documentary on To Kill a Mockingbird with a glass of delicious wine, Old mix CDs (Friends and music can heal anything.), learn something everyday,

Now it’s your turn! What’s making you beam today dear reader?

1 comment:

  1. YOU!! And your whole list. So much yes and win :)
    And...tea, and Newton Faulkner, and sunshine, and plants, and my bed xxx


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