Thursday, 18 November 2010

Things I love Thursday

Well it’s that time of the week again reader. Hold onto your hat, because this one is chock full of things I love! Just like every other Things I Love Thursday post!

Lots of happy birthday wishes- It was my birthday at the weekend and I was very lucky that the celebrations stretched across the whole of it. I had a great time surrounded by wonderful people and I’m now feeling very blessed.


Tea –parties- A great big thank you to my beautiful friend Yen who hosted a tea party for my birthday. For anyone who’s interested I direct you across to her brilliant write up of the event here. I’m the one in the spotty dress.


Drinking Pinot Blanc with edible flakes of gold floating in it (birthday treat from my aunt)

Pearls-If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, pearls are her lover. They conjure up images of Audrey Hepburn, all style and sophistication. More importantly though Pearls are created as a reaction to an irritation, such as a grain of sand or a parasite, they are a symbol of the beauty that can come from something plain, or something annoying.

Best of the rest…crisp winter mornings and beautiful knitted wool scarves, birthday cake with a cup of tea, feeling like a grownup when I run important errands and accomplish things like getting life insurance,
The sitting dance- Donald O Connor and Gene Kelly=sheer perfection:

what about you my darling readers? What's got you bubbly and smiling this week?

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