Hello again reader, hope you’re having a happy Christmas Eve eve. Welcome to this tinsel coated edition of things I love Thursday.
My brother and family having a safe journey up north for Christmas despite snow and blizzard threats. I hope that everyone who needs to travel to spend Christmas with family make it home safely.
Early Christmas meals with darling friends and then the unexpected opportunity to spend an afternoon with some more of my favourite friends. I am so grateful for my friend’s seasonal hospitality this weekend. Also I am grateful to the nice men & women who cleared the motorways on Saturday morning so we were able to visit.
On the last Wednesday before Christmas a group of us from my church hold a sort of mini carol service for the elderly who live in a couple of the local sheltered accommodations. We sing carols, there’s a reading, a short message and then afterward we drink sherry and eat mince pies. It’s lovely to see the smiles of the residents who attend. Those souls who’ve seen much more of life than I have and who haven't stopped living or rejoicing. At the first home one dear woman held my hand as we were leaving, I squeezed her hand back and wished her a merry Christmas and God bless.
‘Oh He does, sweetheart, everyday.’ she answered.
I left that home with a choked up throat and a smile from ear to ear.
Also: Finding someone the perfect gift, seeing sparkle everywhere, the cheap nail polish I bought from the chemist (it didn’t chip for two whole days!), singing along to christmas songs, hot chocolate, hot buttered rum with my dad,
What’s making the last week before Christmas magical for you reader?
seriously magical? Christmas present of friends last weekend :)
snow (even though it's slippy)
Finding words to write with again.
No work=blankets.
fairy lights.
Your carol service sounds a lovely, lovely thing