One of my best friends has given me an award! It's nice to be appreciated. It is my first award on this blog and well I’ve been called a lot of things in my time, I’m not sure I’ve ever been called ‘stylish’ before so I was honoured to be chosen. Thank you so much lovely lady.
This award comes with a pre-requisite (with great power comes great responsibility…) namely that I pass it on to three other bloggers I consider "stylish" so without further ado here’s a list of bloggers whose style I love:
Moyra at ‘Creating my life’- I admire her outlook on life and her honesty. I have so much admiration for the way she admits on her blog when she’s had a tough day or she’s in a bad mood, not in a sitting around moaning way, she’s just courageous enough to put it out there- admit it, own it and move on. That’s before I even mention her artwork. A truly talented women; she creates beautiful and original pieces as she says in her own words she's 'always exploring, creating, making'. Mo’s blog doesn’t follow the crowd she creates her own style.
Kerri- is so inspiring, she's following her musical dreams and creating the life she wants to live. It’s a pleasure and a privilege to stowaway and follow her journey; through her blog I mean reader I’m not a crazy stalker honest. Her writing is absolutely dreamy, she’s super talented and uber stylish to boot.
Lastly but certainly not least
Allie who blogs at ‘Hyperbole and a half’- Her blog is half webcomic, half memoir of all the bizarre and/hilarious experiences and observations of its creator but it's wholly and incredibly funny.
I’d also like to second R’s nominations for Yen and Knittynat. There are so many things I could say about these lovely ladies, and indeed about R herself, reader but R says it so eloquently that I’ll just refer you there. All three ladies are more than deserving of this award and well worth a read.
Thanks again R -even though I feel totally slightly undeserving, I'm just happy to be nominated, it was the perfect antidote to my mondaze funk xx
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