Here’s a little list of all the things that have caught my eye and captured my heart recently:
I’d like to start today’s tilt with a tribute to my old teacher, later headmaster, Mr William ‘Bill’ Grundy. Today was his funeral and as I couldn’t attend in person I wanted to make a personal dedication here. I met him in my first week at secondary school- he was a 6ft ex-policeman, with by that time twenty years teaching experiance, and I was a short shy 11 year old. Seven years later I'd learnt that he was a (mostly) friendly giant and I was still a short, quiet 18 year old. Mr Grundy officially taught me geography but I learnt so much over the years about life, the universe and about dealing with other people. I’ll never forget him telling me that if I could only believe in myself and the things he knew I was capable of then the world would have to watch out. A big man not just in stature but also in nature - Goodnight sir, sleep tight, you will be truly missed & never forgotten xxx
Now on to the rest of my list:
Top of my list this week family holidays- currently at Butlins with the family, we’ve been having a great, if a tad exhausting, week so far. It’s just wonderful to spend time together and to see the little ones faces light up in wonder and excitement. Think I’ll have to go on a diet when I get back, far too much booze and food being consumed, feel like an overweight blubber whale!
Similarly, also high on my list are reunions with old friends- Last weekend I met up with a couple who I got to know during my time in Japan. They are in the UK on furlough for a year spending time catching up with family/friends and introducing their daughters to English culture (before this trip, the last time they spent a prolonged period here was eight years ago). It was so lovely to see them and catch up on their personal news and on news about the other members of the team.
I got my hair chopped about a week ago.
From this:
Into this:
Ok I know it’s not actually headline news but to me it is
Best of the rest:
Radio 4 extra has had an large amount of my attention in the last couple of weeks, firstly they ran a series of new Torchwood plays ‘The Lost Files’ but mostly because they are also the home of Cabin Pressure
Refinding a package from a dear friend- Yum forgotten candy cane perfect pick me up treat if a tad unseasonal (Nb. I truly believe life would be brightened up a little if we weren’t expected to wait for 11 months in between installments of such cheer-inducing cuisine as candy-canes and mulled wine)
Groan inducing gags…my current fave-
How does Moses make his tea?
Hebrews it
Watch a Guy Recite Shakespeare With 25 Different Celebrity Impressions As with all impressionists some of his impressions are much better than others but definitely worth a watch.
Over to you reader, what’s making your week sparkle?
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