Thursday, 29 December 2011

Things I Love Thursday (or just lately, in general)

This is the last Thursday of 2011 so here’s another cocktail of things, places, blog posts, and other galimaufry that I’ve been lusting over or inspired by recently:


A magical short film, in gaelic but there are subtitles.

Christmas- I had a wonderful Christmas day spent with family and a hilarious boxing day spent with dear friends. I am so privileged and blessed in the people I know and I hope reader that you had a fantastic Christmas too (or if you celebrate something else that was wonderful, too).


Lazy mornings and productive afternoons- This morning I awoke and thought to myself “Today I don’t feel like doing anything”* so I put my errands off till the afternoon and spent the morning lazing around drinking tea snuggled up on the couch.
It’s amazing how much calmer and more relaxed I felt all day just for listening to my body and allowing myself to just be for a bit.

Hilarious and horrific (in equal measures) presents:

It's all in the eyes, the cold dead eyes. Thanks Yen!

If Famous Writers had Written Twilight- My favourites are Jane Austen and George Sanders

the Christmas lights twinkling in the windows of my neighbours, Nativity plays & carol & Christingle services, resisting the urge to turn into Father Jack at long cross-denominational meetings and respond to most questions with “that would be an ecumenical matter”, Downton Abbey, Narnia inspired Doctor Who with a cameo from Bill Bailey- how reader could I not love it? Oh and melting snowmen cookies anyone?

That’s all for now, folks! Time for me to log off and go celebrate New Year’s weekend but before I do what’s making your Christmas week twinkle reader?

*Nb my inner voice doesn’t usually sound like Bruno Mars

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