Wouldn't it be great if I had a super cool reason for not updating, like I'd been on an amazing journey through unexplored wildernesses without internet access, or I'd been involved in a top secret government project on which I was not allowed to report even the slightest detail? That would make this entry much better. I'd be useless in a wilderness, though, and I don't know what I would bring to any government project, aside from being quite good with Google, but they probably have a lot of people who can do that. I do however have many excuses/ reasons for being a rubbish blogger, including but not limited to, feeling like I don’t have much of interest/importance to say at the moment or when inspiration does strike I don’t seem to have the time to sit down and write about it. Still I like having a space to say it if they ever do align. I don't particularly want to abandon it or anything and I do enjoy reading the blogs of all the people I follow so I suppose for now I'll just keep appearing sporadically.
In the spirit of what’s gone before I’m easing myself back in with a quick meme:
I was unofficially tagged by Kristin at http://mylifeasateacup.blogspot.co.uk

Here are the questions if you want to play along as well!
1. What is your name
2. Blog URL
3. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Favourite quote
5. Favourite book (at the moment)
6. Favourite band/singers (at the moment)
7. Say anything you want
8. Tag 3-5 bloggers
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