Friday, 9 November 2012

Things I Love Thursday

I'm in a grump reader, I have been all evening and for no real discernable reason. Don't worry though I'm not going to wallow or offer you a glass of whine instead I shall focus on the good things in life. I guess then this is less of a things I love list and more a 'things I quite enjoyed this week' list but in the midst of my grump here are some things I've been grateful for this week: * Top of the list is the fact that finally have a probable diagnosis for my mother's health problems. I say probable because after two years and lots of tests I know that there are always opportunities for the doctors to change their mind. However for now I am just super grateful that she has an answer and that it's something they think they can cure, or at least ease with surgery. * Dinner with two precious friends *fireworks- I love bonfire night and although I didn't go to any official events this year I did enjoy watching my neighbours display from the comfort of my lounge (and the chat over the fence before hand) *Mae Martin's stand up That's my list reader, how about you? What's making your week go with a whizz and a bang?

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