Thursday 9 May 2013

Things I love Thursday

Good morning! Oh reader, I am so very tired today I feel to be surrounded by it like I’m wearing a treacle trench coat. Let's make coffee and eat cereal and shuffle around in our slippers together. In the words of Jack Johnson I’ll ‘make you banana pancakes, pretend like it’s the weekend now’. There are so many things that I am grateful for and loving this week but somehow I can’t seem to get it down on paper computer screen so please bear with me if this weeks TILT list is a tad incoherent.

Viennese Whirl biscuits revelations –Revelations is too big a word really it was more a reminder to be honest. Last night/ early this morning, I made a semi -disastrous batch of Viennese whirl biscuits [the reason for this mad late night baking is a whole other story]. As I stood in the kitchen like a culinary goldilocks- ‘the first batch is too soft, the second batch is too hard, this batch is just right’- looking at my precious uber- delicate treasures my sleep-deprived mind drew parallels with life. It is so precious and fragile. We go through our days and are buffeted by so many external forces. There are some things that sometimes may break us down and make us feel we are too vulnerable for this world. Other things make us feel we want to wall parts of our feelings off, keep people out for our own protection. Then there are those times, things, people that make us feel like we are where we’re meant to be, make us feel safe. We still know that we’re fragile [yes I promise reader, I know the biscuits aren’t self aware but please stick with me] but we’re able to keep battling on. I’ve always been a champion of enjoying simple, small things and last night I was reminded that I am so grateful for the things and people that keep me on that even keel because life may be beautiful, but sadly it isn’t forever.

Helpful shop assistants- My father and I are in the process of turning the dining room of my parents house into a bedroom for my mother. This week we headed into one of the chain diy shops to get some flooring. After looking around for a while we discovered the options we were looking at wouldn’t fit in our car and delivery would take too long. This was the moment that the assistant told us that there was a small business nearby that also stocked the floor, would fit it for you, would probably do it the next day and it would be cheaper. Obviously she didn’t need to tell us that and in a sense it lost her a sale so three gold stars for that kind lady.

Little loves: Spring sunshine, the point when migraines get better, magazine articles that feel like letters directly to my soul, old re-runs of classic sitcoms

What about you reader what’s the glitter in the artbox of life for you this week?

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