Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Photos or it didn't happen...

I love taking photos, although I wouldn’t say I’m very good at it, and am always thinking I need to take more. In addition I have a bit of a soft spot for forced Perspective photography. I often find myself effortlessly entertained by photos in which people are shrunk or grown (blame years spent reading Gulliver's Travels and Alice in Wonderland). This evening I’ve been re-inspired to start carrying my camera again by this article ‘35 Splendid Examples of Forced Perspective Photography’

My personal favourites:

I need Time

Children steal huge island from Firth of Forth.....


1 comment:

  1. These are amazing!!
    I agree, I always think I should take more pictures...I'm bad at remembering my camera but perhaps you will encourage me :p


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