Thursday, 24 June 2010

Things I Love Thursday

It’s Thursday…
Here are some things I’m loving lately:

Lunch with my fellow youth worker (lots of inspiring ideas and planning over a delicious lunch), being able to walk down by the canal ( three cheers for restoration and regeneration), passing butterflies on my walk who fluttered gently into the air as I passed, gin & tonic lollipops, dreams featuring characters from my favourite TV shows, helpful librarians (or to give them their proper title ‘angels of the books’), Doctor Hoot & ‘The Most Badass Alphabet Ever

How about you reader, what about the world is making you squee today?


  1. thank u so much for looking for the good things and reporting them here- it reminds me to do the same.

    loving being inside, out of the heat right now. my dogs lying on the rug near me. the ticking of my coo-coo clock. ahh...peace.

  2. G&T lollies?! ice ones? how can I get me some of them?
    glad your week's been going well, it sounds like a lovely relaxing outing x

    see you soon!


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