A magical short film, in gaelic but there are subtitles.
Christmas- I had a wonderful Christmas day spent with family and a hilarious boxing day spent with dear friends. I am so privileged and blessed in the people I know and I hope reader that you had a fantastic Christmas too (or if you celebrate something else that was wonderful, too).
Lazy mornings and productive afternoons- This morning I awoke and thought to myself “Today I don’t feel like doing anything”* so I put my errands off till the afternoon and spent the morning lazing around drinking tea snuggled up on the couch.
It’s amazing how much calmer and more relaxed I felt all day just for listening to my body and allowing myself to just be for a bit.
Hilarious and horrific (in equal measures) presents:
It's all in the eyes, the cold dead eyes. Thanks Yen!
If Famous Writers had Written Twilight- My favourites are Jane Austen and George Sanders
the Christmas lights twinkling in the windows of my neighbours, Nativity plays & carol & Christingle services, resisting the urge to turn into Father Jack at long cross-denominational meetings and respond to most questions with “that would be an ecumenical matter”, Downton Abbey, Narnia inspired Doctor Who with a cameo from Bill Bailey- how reader could I not love it? Oh and melting snowmen cookies anyone?
That’s all for now, folks! Time for me to log off and go celebrate New Year’s weekend but before I do what’s making your Christmas week twinkle reader?
*Nb my inner voice doesn’t usually sound like Bruno Mars