Friday, 13 May 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Its Thursday again reader, I hope you’ve been having a spectacular week so far, and are ready to spill all the great things, big and small, that you’re grateful for. Let the gratitude commence!

Keyboard shortcuts- An absolute lifesaver for me this week. I was without a mouse for a few days this weekend which annoyingly corresponded with a day when I needed to collate a lot of information and make a dozen or so word documents.

My favourite story about the Royal wedding/couple- Wills And Kate: Proud Parents Of A Penguin

Surprise presents-My wonderful father turned up with an eggs-tra extra Easter egg for me on Saturday, the supermarket were selling their excess stock half price, saying “I got you one with a mug because I know you like them best”. It’s true reader as a child they were my favourites because it meant you had a present to keep when you’d finished the chocolate. I’m almost more touched that he remembered that than by the present itself (I say almost because it is chocolate afterall reader). My dad is an absolute sweetheart.
This gorgeous song by Meaghan Smith, I especially love the video:

Sui mai and Har Kau for lunch- yum, birdsong at the break of dawn, not spilling anything on my white cardigan,

Alright, that sums up my TILT list for this week, what are the brightest and shiniest snippets of your week?

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