Top of my love list this week is visiting my brother and family in honour of my nephew’s birthday. Long afternoons in the sunshine playing in the garden, cuddles on the sofa, not to mention watching Gorgeous Girl kissing the fish tank [Little Man’s birthday present] and shouting "hello ish!". This week I especially loved watching Little Man playing with his friends at his birthday party. I can't believe he is 4 already! Never would I have imagined the absolute joy of watching him & Gorgeous Girl grow, learn, walk, and talk.
Also high on my list this week is the fact that every moment of every day we have the potential/ability to hit the reset button.
Possibly the most random thing on my list this week is the Congleton Bear Trail- For eighteen weeks, starting in May, fifty five foot bear statues will be displayed on a trail through the town of Congleton to showcase the town's cultural identity and its areas of outstanding beauty. I know its hardly an original idea (in the UK in the last few years alone we’ve had Manchester's cow parade, Liverpool’s Superlambanana and last years Elephant Parade in London)and ok some of the statues may be a teensy bit creepy but I love the sense of community and the revival of local history/folk tales.
Noteworthy niblets:
Safe journeys (even with two hour detours), Surprise packages from a darling friend, complimentary chocolate and wine, discovering the word Omnomnomnomatopoeia: A food whose name is spelled like the noise you make eating it. E.g. crisps, the most recent episode of Doctor Who ('The Doctor's Wife' by Neil Gaiman) -no spoilers sweetie but imho it was beautifully written and executed, so moving.
What’s making you feel giddy, sparkly, joyful or just plain lovely this week reader?
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